UpComing Events
WEEKLY CALENDAR Today, Monday, November 25 Office Hours 12 - 2p Race Unity 6 - 8 Tuesday, November 26 Mark Lenzini Birthday NLNH Prayer 1 - 2p Knitting Ministry 4:30 - 6p Wednesday, November 27 Martha Ellert Birthday Tom Kilpatrick Birthday Office Hours 10 - 12noon Bible Study 12 - 1p Group Violin 12:30 - 2p Thursday, November 28 Theresa Lister Birthday Barb Parrish Birthday NO Office hours Friday, November 29 Saturday, November 30 Hanging of the Green Prep 9a Choir Rehearsal 1p Sunday, December 1 Worship 10:30a NO Sunday School All Church Visioning Retreat 11:45 - 3 All 3:15 - 5 Board and Trustees NLNH worship 3 - 4p Serving Sunday, December 1 Worship leader: Susan Steinfeldt Elder: Susan Steinfeld Deacon/Greeter: Carol Waldron Children's Time: Karen Knodt Nursery: Lydia Thomas and Amy Crooks Piano, Choir : Derek Hamblin Live stream: Roger Webb Sound board: Al Parr Camera: Dia Parr Children & Youth Director: Em Howell Pastor: Karen Knodt ANNOUNCEMENTS - Our kids need toilet paper and paper towel rolls for an activity on Sunday. If you have any, please bring them to church and put them in the Sunday school room in the fellowship hall. Thanks!" - Spirit of Christmas Thank you for your generous contributions to the Spirit of Christmas. We exceeded our goal of $1600 for a total of $3084. These funds will provide Christmas gifts for those people who may not receive gifts for various reasons. - Request from Hunger Sale Team Do you have any storage space you could donate to the Hunger Sale? If you have space in a storage unit or a garage or other weather-safe outbuilding, please contact Katie Carl about storing furniture for the Hunger Sale. The sale will be the first weekend of May. |
DONATIONS: Click on the "Donation" button above.
If you want to designate your donation to a specific fund, click on "Add Special Instructions to Seller" under the Purpose box on the "Review" page and add a note.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
FB: 1stchristiancdale |