UpComing Events
WEEKLY CALENDAR Today, Monday, October 7 Office Hours 12 - 2p Zoom Coffee 2 - 3p Tuesday, October 8 Roger Webb Birthday NLNH Prayer 1 - 2p Knitting Ministry 4:30 - 6p Wednesday, October 9 Wesley Miller Birthday Karen Gibson Birthday Office Hours 10a - 12noon Bible Study 12 noon - 1p Group Violin 12:30 - 2p Girl Scouts 8808 6 - 7p Thursday, October 10 Gayle Pesavento Birthday Office hours 10a - 12noon Hunger Sale Team 10:30a NLNH Band Practice 4p Friday, October 11 Isaiah Shepherd Birthday Saturday, October 12 Jak Tichenor Birthday Charles D. Mallett Birthday Sunday, October 13 Worship 10:30a Coffee and Visiting 11:35a Sunday School 11:45a - 12:30p NLNH worship 2 - 4p Serving Sunday, October 13 Worship leader: Chris Jennings Elder: John Phelps Deacon/Greeter: Karen Gibson Children's Time: Vanessa Thomas Nursery: Emma Phelps and Juli Claussen Sunday School: Coffee host: Amy Crooks Piano, Choir : Derek Hamblin Live stream: Roger Webb Sound board: Al Parr Camera: Dia Parr Children & Youth Director: Em Howell Pastor: Karen Knodt ANNOUNCEMENTS - The Carbondale Muslim Center's fundraising lunch for Gaza yesterday raised $35,000 for the United Nations Works and Relief Agency’s work in Gaza. The total yesterday was $35,000! If you were unable to attend, but would like to contribute, you may send donations to: https://donate.unrwa.org/gaza/~my-donation?_cv=1 |
DONATIONS: Click on the "Donation" button above.
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First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
FB: 1stchristiancdale |