UpComing Events
WEEKLY CALENDAR Today, Monday, February 3 Office Hours 12 - 2p Reno Team 6p Tuesday, February 4 Sparrow Coalition 9a NLNH Prayer 1 - 2p Knitting Ministry 4:30 - 6p Wednesday, February 5 Office Hours 10a - 12 noon Bible Study 12 noon Group Violin 1:30 - 3p Thursday, February 6 Office hours 10a - 12 noon NLNH Band Practice 4 - 6p Girl Scout Leaders 6 - 7p Saturday, February 8 Choir Rehearsal 1p Sunday, February 9 Choir rehearsal 9:30 Worship- 10:30a Sunday School 11:45 - 12:30 NLNH worship 2 - 4p Girl Scouts 8133 3 - 5p Serving Sunday, February 9 Worship leader: Karen Martin Elder: Karen Martin Deacon/Greeter: Tim Connet Children's Sermon: Juli Claussen Nursery: Emma Phelps and Julie Leneave Sunday School: Carol Waldron and Michelle Connet Coffee Host: SOUP: Jacqueline Biggs, Marcia Phelps and Cathy Schlosser Piano, Choir : Derek Hamblin Live stream: Roger Webb Sound board: Al Parr Camera: Dia Parr Children & Youth Director: Em Howell Minister: Karen Knodt ANNOUNCEMENTS - Knitting Ministry The Knitting Ministry will resume meeting on the first and third Tuesdays of the month, starting this week. - FCC Dinner Groups We are planning a new round of dinner groups, so we can get to know one another better and have fun! The host would provide the main dish: simple is fine: pizza, chili, pasta, burgers. Guests bring salads, sides, or desserts, or just themselves. Once we know who is interested, we'll arrange groups and dates. Please let Karen or Julie Leneave know if you would like to participate, and also if you'd like to host. - Valentine Bags On February 9th after church our children will be making Valentines Bags for the Warming Center to give away. We are collecting donations of hand warmers, lip balm, prepackaged candy, breakfast bars, protein bars, prepackaged snacks, small note pads, and pens. Please leave donations in the Narthex or give to Carol Waldron. - Coldest Night Walk FCC is recruiting a team for the Coldest Night of the Year walk on Saturday, February 22. Registration and support materials are all online and easy to access. Please contact Gayle or Roger if you can would like to participate. |
DONATIONS: Click on the "Donation" button above.
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First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
FB: 1stchristiancdale |