CORE VALUES OF FCC, Carbondale We believe in God as creator, Jesus as the messiah, and the Spirit as guide and agitator; giving thanks for other expressions of Christian faith, and sincerely accepting neighbors of other faiths and none.
Worship Sunday worship is the center of our life as followers of Jesus. Singing, silence, prayer, hearing sacred scripture and reflecting on it for today's world, giving as an expression of gratitude - ground us as individuals and a church for the living of these days. We extend Christ’s invitation every Sunday to everyone to share the Lord’s Table in worship. We celebrate believer’s baptism as a sign of commitment to follow Jesus and of God’s grace. We provide a place of peace, comfort, and safety. We empower all people who call FCC home, regardless of membership, to do ministry here as they feel called. All are invited to participate in any aspect of worship, study, and service.
Spiritual Growth and Study We provide opportunities to deepen spirituality. We encourage questioning as a way to seek theological understanding. We are grounded in Biblical study and reflection.
Serving and Outreach We recognize that we are all part of the family of God and seek peace and justice for all people and the earth. We support missions locally and worldwide, and work independently and jointly with other churches, interfaith groups, social service agencies, and civic organizations. We meet individual and community needs with tangible action and authentic relationships We open our doors to the community through the arts, festivals, workshops and programs, our health ministry, and show our hospitality in good food and good company.